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Research Projects

HSF-India Trainee Project

FCC Event Display

Fig: Artistic rendition of an FCC event

Project: Building examples for Future Circular Collider (FCC) analyses using the Columnar Framework For Effective Analysis (COFFEA) framework and developing the schema class implementation of FCC simulation samples in COFFEA
Mentors: David Lange (Princeton University), Bhawna Gomber (University of Hyderabad)
Duration: June 2023 - Ongoing
Description: :
The purpose of this project is to build the necessary schema class for FCC simulation samples in COFFEA and create examples of simple analyses done in COFFEA utilizing FCC simulation samples. The schema classes for the NanoAOD data structure are already present in COFFEA. Developing a schema class for FCC samples would enable analyses to be performed in Python and take advantage of parallel processing with less time-to-insight. Based on the existing examples of FCC analyses, COFFEA examples of the same are to be built and documented, which will streamline the reproducibility of the results.

  1. Project Proposal (opens in a new tab)
  2. coffea-fcc-analyses Repository (opens in a new tab)
  3. coffea-fcc-analyses Documentation (opens in a new tab)
  4. FCC Workshop Talk Slides (opens in a new tab)

Master's Thesis

CMS Event Display

Fig: CMS Event Display

Project Title: “Search for dark matter in the Higgs to two bottom jets channel with large missing transverse energy.”
Supervisor: Dr Bhawna Gomber, University of Hyderabad
Duration: July 2023 to May 2024

Internship with CMS group at University of Hyderabad

The Compact Muon Solenoid design

Fig: The Compact Muon Solenoid design

Supervisor: Dr Bhawna Gomber
Duration: 20th July 2022 to 4th July 2023

Project in experimental nuclear physics

Compton scattering angles

Fig: Compton scattering angles

Title: 'Study of entanglement of photons in para-positronium decay and its implications'
Supervisor: Prof. Rudrajyoti Palit
Duration: (May 2021 to July 2021) and (Dec 2021 to Jan 2022)

Personal Projects

Hypothesis Testing, Linear Regression and Multiple Regression

Currently I am learning statistical learning from the Robert Tibshirani's course : Introduction to Statistical learning with python. As a part of that, I will gather inferences and insights from a dataset obtained from kaggle using linear regression. Checkout my progress at this repository (opens in a new tab).

© Prayag Yadav